Return to Model of the Year (MOTY)

1: AL – The Allcomers Locomotive Trophy
Any locomotive, with no restriction on professional builders. This is typically those who have won other major classes in the past. Judged against a very high quality yardstick, models are expected to be of the highest standard.

2: JW – Jack Wheldon Memorial Trophy
Steam locomotives not eligible for Class 3. The spirit of this class is that they are scratch built locos. Heavily modified locos based on a commercial loco are permissible, but this will be taken into account in the marking. Winners of this class will, in future years, have to enter the Allcomers class.

3: RH – Roundhouse Trophy
Models incorporating a significant amount of ‘Roundhouse’ parts – any two of frames, boiler, cylinders, valve gear or superstructure.

4: BU – Butterley Trophy
All non-steam powered locomotives not eligible for classes 1,2,&3 above; e.g. battery powered internal combustion, steam outline, fireless, overhead electric, compressed air,

5: LS – Lineside Trophy
Buildings, bridges, trackwork, motor vehicles, railway structures such as bridges or gantries, including buildings that might be found near a railway.

6: PA – Passenger & Rolling Stock Shield
Passenger carrying vehicles, goods and service vehicles –non-powered. Limit of 12 axles if your entry has more than one vehicle.

7: DIP – “Gordon Diplock” Trophy
Imaginative railway models of any type. The more fantastic, ingenious or eccentric, the better.

8: JU – Junior Cup
Any model built by a member up to 18. Models will also be entered in the appropriate class above.

9: PJ – Peter Jones Trophy
Awarded for originality, ingenuity or imagination in the construction of a model, with particular reference to the methods, techniques and materials used. Models will also be entered in the appropriate class above.

10: NT – Newcomers Trophy
For this year, entry will be restricted to those who have never previously entered MOTY. Any locomotive type, rolling stock, goods or passenger, or any railway related scenic model (similar to the Lineside Trophy) may be entered.

11: GM – Geoff Munday Trophy
Awarded to any member who does not paint, line or weather models for remuneration. All types of model are eligible for entry, be they scratch-built, commercial off-the-shelf, rolling stock or lineside infrastructure. Judges will look for exceptional painting, lining or weathering that enhances the model and elevates it above its peers. Members may enter the same model in another class, but the entry in this class will be judged on painting, lining or weathering alone.

12: ML – Modular Layout Cup
Awarded for the best module or group of modules in the Modular Layout. Key criteria include appearance and realism, adherence to the modular layout standards. Working features are desirable, but by no means required, if the module is built and finished to a high standard.

13: Loan Section
Non-competitive Things you are in process of building, models that are interesting, but that you don’t feel like competing with; also if you want to get a taste for exhibiting, or to display unusual or innovative production processes you are working on. Inspire and help other modellers!