I am delighted, yet again, to announce sponsorship for this year’s Junior Cup – £150 voucher for the Winner courtesy of Andrew Monument at Roundhouse, and £50 for the runner up, courtesy of David Williams at Resurgam. Many, many thanks to both.

Last year we consolidated the MOTY Classes; not all agreed with our decision, but we have not made any further changes this year. A detailed list of the Classes is published below.

Last year we also trialed a new voluntary on-line system for MOTY entrants. It was generally very successful as we could manage a lot of the paperwork before the Show, making everyone’s life a lot easier, and reducing the queuing at the MOTY stand at the start of the Show.

I would urge all entrants to register on line using this hyperlink:  www.16mm.org.uk/enter-moty/ – although we do recognize that some are not as tech savvy as others, so if you really are struggling with the on-line entry forms, paper ones are available from this website to download.

If you are using the on-line forms, it is important to know that there is no “save” function, so you will need to input all the information required at one sitting.

Finally, in response to public demand, we are continuing the popular vote for MOTY Best in Show – as decided by you the attendees !!!

Get Modelling !!!! Look forward to seeing you all in April !!!

Rick Turnock MOTY Organiser

And the winner of the 2023 Roundhouse Trophy is..? (Photo by Gareth Jones)