Return to Model of the Year (MOTY)
On-line entry
We would urge all entrants to register on line at:
although we do recognize that some are not as tech savvy as others, so if you really are struggling with the on-line entry forms, paper ones are to download below.
Hard copy entry
You need to complete both forms separately and PLEASE PLEASE have your completed forms with you when you arrive: completing them while booking in causes chaos!
The longer Model Details form cannot contain any information that would identify it as your work: the judges must not know who has built it. The shorter Entrant’s Details form is not seen by the judges but is used to identify the models on official photographs, and not least to ensure names are spelt correctly on the winners’ certificates !
Click to download…
MOTY Entrant’s Details form 2024: information about yourself, not seen by the judges.
MOTY Model Details form 2024: information about your entry for the judges.
Please make sure your two entry forms are on two separate sheets of paper!